Friday, August 17, 2012

Review: Fun and Games

Fun and Games
Fun and Games by Duane Swierczynski

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Blecch*, I appear to have started my last two reviews with "Highly Engaging" Sorry about that.
It turns out Fun and Games is also highly engaging, but I won't dwell on that.

What I will focus on is that Fun and Games is really fun! The characters are great. Both the heros and villains are interesting and imperfect and I wanted to learn more about them. I loved the superhero dynamic and I sincerely appreciated the fact that the same "How are you possibly still alive" superpower dynamic was applied equally to the good and bad guys.** I loved the balance induced by the constraints placed on the villains. "We have infinite resources, but we have to make your death look like an accident, so, uh, no guns..."

And although I hated it at the time, I have grown to appreciate the messy, hardly-any-resolution-at-all ending. After all, there are sequels!!!

* This Bleccch is not about the book, which I enjoyed very much, but about my own deplorable review writing ability of late.
** With one notable and sad exception that I won't spoil here.

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